When it comes time to select your team’s uniform jackets and other gear, it is smart to opt for high-quality tactical gear. This will cost a little more upfront, but pay off in the long run by saving you money and allowing your team to function without concerns.
It Will Last Longer
As mentioned, opting for high-quality tactical 5.11 items instead of cheaper versions will be a smart choice from a financial perspective. These items will last significantly longer than the cheaper versions, so you will buy these items once every several years or even decades instead of once a year or more frequently. Not only does that save you money directly, but it also frees up time for other tasks since there is no need to reorder items.
More Options for Sizes
Generally, higher-quality tactical gear in Canada also tends to have more options in terms of sizes available. This is great from the perspective of ensuring uniformity across your entire team since everyone will be able to wear the same uniform, regardless of size.
More Customization Available
It is also much more likely to find customization options for high-quality tactical gear in Canada instead of cheaper alternatives. Options like specific badges for different types of forces (police, fire, EMS, military, etc.) or embroidering the name of the unit or person plus their rank are almost a given. You will also be likely to find variations across tactical gear for different ranks for a clear difference in the field.
Allows for Ease of Movement
One of the advantages of higher-quality tactical 5.11 gear that is often overlooked is the ease of movement that it gives your team. Whether working as a firefighter, police officer, or EMS or in another role, it is important to be able to move comfortably, so you can do your job effectively. The low-quality fabrics and stitches used in cheaper gear may cause chafing or otherwise restrict movement. By contrast, higher-quality gear is designed with durability and ease of movement in mind. Furthermore, your team will be able to work without having to limit movements due to fears of ripping the uniform.
You Get to Work with a Reputable Company
A final consideration is that when you opt for high-quality tactical gear, you typically end up working with a company that has a compelling reputation. For example, Stokes International has been in business since 1949, and we offer a range of high-quality uniform jackets, clothing, and other tactical gear.